TRY Blogging

toothpaste for dinner

Friday, November 15, 2013

A Fairy and A Madman

Roaming in a secret garden;
a magical place; where fairy can fly freely
free of all worries all thoughts
all futures all pasts a mesmerizing place where fairy can show the madman, all the magic of her world the madman looks at fairy right after he has seen all fairy has to show he smiles at her with a little tear in his eyes and says "O' Dear Fairy, I see all, what you show me, the rivers flowing with sheer bliss, suns rising n setting with million joys, I see the unicorns grazing meadows green, I see the centaurs roaring all around, I see most magical things I have never seen, I feel the places I have never been...
But the joy I get by looking your radiant face, your beautiful soul and elegant grace, has no match in 
my old world, has no match in even in your magical home"

Hearing his reply, the fairy was speechless, she looked at him with strange eye, she kept staring at him for a while and then said after a long pause, "My Dear Man, I have seen and shown you all the wonders of the world I have shared with you all the beauty ever created and yet you say that my face and soul is all you like, My dear man, You are a madman A madman Indeed" In heart she felt that she has found what she was looking forever till then she felt she has found the man for her the man Mad for her


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Kapil Sharma said...

I wish you would know, how much I miss listening u